We encourage authenticity, personal responsibility and right action. Self respect starts with honesty and change begins with acceptance.
As a 12 step based recovery center, we believe that our connection to a power greater than ourselves instills hope and gives comfort. Through team work and collaboration, trust grows, relationships are built and supportive communities are formed. We are not alone.
We are teachable and willing to listen to the diverse wisdom in our community. Clients leave our center with the keys to maintaining recovery and stopping drinking. They are encouraged to continue fellowship through 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous for stopping drinking, Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous.
Through being compassionate, courageous and non judgmental in our quest for truth, we gain awareness of ourselves.
We challenge ourselves to be congruent and consistent while maintaining high expectations of ourselves.
Unconditional positive regard is the foundation of self acceptance, self love, self respect and self worth.
We believe that we can do together what one cannot do alone. Addiction is a family disease and involving a client’s family in the recovery process is central to our philosophy and programming. Families are encouraged to participate in Saturday educational programming, Sunday visits and a two-day educational seminar and introduction to Al-Anon. These are all included in our 42-day and 28-day Comprehensive Care programs.
We stay open minded and recognize the unique perspective that each person offers to the goal of stopping drinking. Our entire structure – from our beautiful facility to our wholesome food and loving staff – supports a caring environment where participants are safe to share with other clients and staff members.
Healthy boundaries and structure form the container we need to feel safe and grow. By cultivating patience and tolerance we can learn to forgive.
Through self discipline, mindfulness and practical strategies for stopping drinking, we find passion, purpose and meaning in our lives. The Orchard uses a variety of counseling approaches to stopping drinking, exposing you to both professional and self-help options.
With a growing recognition of our inner peace, we discover our soul’s journey and our unique gifts and talents. At the Orchard Recovery Center, we depart from an institutional approach towards quitting drinking. Instead, we have created a therapeutic community where clients disconnect from addiction and reconnect to a higher presence. Many of our professional staff have overcome their own addictions in stopping drinking and have their own recovery experiences to share.
Having a holistic outlook on life and gratitude for our spiritual awakening, we share with others the gift of recovery with kindness and a playful heart.